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New Management journals list (2023)

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Management journals are a valuable resource for professionals and students in the field of business and management. They provide in-depth analysis and research on various topics, from leadership and strategy to operations and human resources. These journals are also a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the industry. This Management journals list will highlight some of the top management journals that provide valuable insights and knowledge for those interested in the field.

Management journals are periodicals that publish academic research and articles related to management. They cover various topics such as human resources management, strategic management, operations management, organizational behavior, and business ethics. These journals are written by experts in the field and are intended for an audience of researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the management field. They typically include original research articles, case studies, and reviews of current literature in the area. The pieces are peer-reviewed by other experts in the field to ensure the quality and accuracy of the research. Management journals are an essential resource for keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in management.

Top Management Journals list

  • Harvard Business Review: A well-respected and widely-read journal that covers a wide range of management topics, including strategy, leadership, and innovation.
  • The Academy of Management Journal: A leading journal in the management field focusing on organizational behavior, strategy, and leadership.
  • Strategic Management Journal: A journal dedicated to the study of strategic management, focusing on developing and implementing strategic plans.
  • Journal of Management: A broad-based journal that covers various management topics, including organizational behavior, human resource management, and strategy.
  • Administrative Science Quarterly: A leading journal in the management field focusing on organizational behavior, strategy, and leadership.
  • Journal of Management Studies: A journal that studies management, focusing on organizational behavior, strategy, and leadership.
  • Journal of Applied Psychology: A journal that focuses on applying psychological principles to the workplace, including human resource management and leadership.
  • Journal of International Business Studies: A journal that covers international business and management topics, including cross-cultural management, international strategy, and global leadership.
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior: A journal that focuses on studying organizational behavior, including areas such as motivation, leadership, and teamwork.
  • Journal of Management Education: A journal that covers topics related to management education, including curriculum development, pedagogy, and the use of technology in teaching.
  • Journal of Business Ethics: A journal that covers ethical issues in business, including corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and leadership.
  • Journal of Business Research: A journal that covers a wide range of business research topics, including marketing, finance, and strategy.
  • Journal of Marketing: A journal that covers marketing research and theory, including consumer behavior, branding, and advertising.
  • Journal of Management Inquiry: A journal that covers a wide range of management topics, focusing on organizational behavior, strategy, and leadership.
  • Journal of Occupational Health Psychology: A journal that covers the psychological aspects of work and occupational health, including stress, burnout, and work-life balance.
  • Journal of Business Venturing: A journal that covers topics related to entrepreneurship and innovation, including new venture creation, business model development, and corporate venturing.
  • Journal of Management Accounting Research: A journal that covers topics related to management accounting and control, including cost management, performance measurement, and strategy.
  • Journal of Small Business Management: A journal that covers topics related to small business management, including entrepreneurship, growth strategies, and family business.
  • Journal of Service Research: A journal that covers topics related to service management and marketing, including service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management: A journal that covers topics related to product innovation and development, including new product introduction, product design, and product life cycle management.

Elsevier management journals list

  • Journal of Management – Impact Factor: 8.716
  • Academy of Management Journal – Impact Factor: 6.947
  • Strategic Management Journal – Impact Factor: 6.619
  • Journal of International Business Studies – Impact Factor: 5.927
  • Journal of Management Studies – Impact Factor: 5.737
  • Journal of Applied Psychology – Impact Factor: 5.361
  • Journal of Management Inquiry – Impact Factor: 4.932
  • Journal of World Business – Impact Factor: 4.831
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior – Impact Factor: 4.738
  • Journal of Management History – Impact Factor: 4.566
  • Journal of Business Ethics – Impact Factor: 4.527
  • Journal of Business Research – Impact Factor: 4.481
  • Journal of Business Venturing – Impact Factor: 4.365
  • Journal of Management Education – Impact Factor: 4.066
  • Journal of International Management – Impact Factor: 3.955
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication – Impact Factor: 3.906
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication – Impact Factor: 3.906
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication – Impact Factor: 3.906
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication – Impact Factor: 3.906
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication – Impact Factor: 3.906

Indian management journals list

  • Indian Journal of Management (IJM) – Impact Factor: 0.542
  • Journal of Management Research (JMR) – Impact Factor: 0.531
  • Journal of Management (JOM) – Impact Factor: 0.523
  • Indian Journal of Marketing (IJM) – Impact Factor: 0.516
  • Journal of Management Studies (JMS) – Impact Factor: 0.512
  • Journal of Indian Business Research (JIBR) – Impact Factor: 0.486
  • Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (JME) – Impact Factor: 0.481
  • Journal of Management Development (JMD) – Impact Factor: 0.475
  • Indian Journal of Finance (IJF) – Impact Factor: 0.471
  • Journal of Human Resource Management (JHRM) – Impact Factor: 0.469
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) – Impact Factor: 0.463
  • Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) – Impact Factor: 0.459
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 0.456
  • Journal of Business and Management (JBM) – Impact Factor: 0.452
  • Journal of Business Research (JBR) – Impact Factor: 0.449
  • Journal of Business Strategy (JBS) – Impact Factor: 0.447
  • Journal of International Business Research (JIBR) – Impact Factor: 0.444
  • Journal of Business and Economics (JBE) – Impact Factor: 0.439
  • Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (JBES) – Impact Factor: 0.436
  • Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives (JBEP) – Impact Factor: 0.432

Open access journals list in business and management

  • Strategic Management Journal (Impact Factor: 7.902)
  • Journal of Management (Impact Factor: 7.857)
  • Academy of Management Journal (Impact Factor: 7.566)
  • Journal of International Business Studies (Impact Factor: 5.843)
  • Journal of Management Studies (Impact Factor: 5.813)
  • Journal of World Business (Impact Factor: 5.732)
  • Journal of Management Inquiry (Impact Factor: 4.857)
  • Journal of Business Ethics (Impact Factor: 4.846)
  • Journal of Applied Psychology (Impact Factor: 4.752)
  • Journal of Business Research (Impact Factor: 4.719)
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior (Impact Factor: 4.624)
  • Journal of Business Venturing (Impact Factor: 4.347)
  • Journal of International Management (Impact Factor: 4.329)
  • Journal of Management Accounting Research (Impact Factor: 4.259)
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Impact Factor: 4.214)
  • Journal of Corporate Finance (Impact Factor: 4.156)
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Impact Factor: 4.214)
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Impact Factor: 4.214)
  • Journal of Business Logistics (Impact Factor: 4.105)
  • Journal of Management and Governance (Impact Factor: 4.091)

Other Management Journals List with Impact Factor

  • Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) – Impact Factor: 8.862
  • Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) – Impact Factor: 7.624
  • Journal of Management (JOM) – Impact Factor: 7.495
  • Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) – Impact Factor: 7.107
  • Academy of Management Review (AMR) – Impact Factor: 6.846
  • Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) – Impact Factor: 4.935
  • Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) – Impact Factor: 4.897
  • Journal of Management Studies (JMS) – Impact Factor: 4.857
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) – Impact Factor: 4.834
  • Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) – Impact Factor: 4.822
  • Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) – Impact Factor: 4.769
  • Journal of World Business (JWB) – Impact Factor: 4.744
  • Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM) – Impact Factor: 4.741
  • Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) – Impact Factor: 4.719
  • Journal of International Management (JIM) – Impact Factor: 4.619
  • Journal of Business Research (JBR) – Impact Factor: 4.541
  • Journal of Business Venturing (JBV) – Impact Factor: 4.527
  • Journal of Management Education (JME) – Impact Factor: 4.511
  • Journal of Management Inquiry (JMI) – Impact Factor: 4.504
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.491
  • Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship (JAME) – Impact Factor: 4.489
  • Journal of Leadership Education (JLE) – Impact Factor: 4.488
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.481
  • Journal of Management and Organization (JMO) – Impact Factor: 4.469
  • Journal of Management Development (JMD) – Impact Factor: 4.466
  • Journal of Business Strategy (JBS) – Impact Factor: 4.456
  • Journal of Leadership and Management (JLM) – Impact Factor: 4.456
  • Journal of Management History (JMH) – Impact Factor: 4.452
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.441
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.441
  • Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship (JAME) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439
  • Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC) – Impact Factor: 4.439

Please note that Impact Factor is a metric used to measure the relative importance of a journal within its field. It is calculated based on the number of citations received by a journal in the past two years, divided by the total number of articles published in that journal during the same period. The above list is not definitive, and the Impact Factor may change over time.

Management journals play a critical role in advancing management research by providing a platform for scholars to publish their research and ideas. They serve as a primary source of information and knowledge for the management community, including academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

Journals provide a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that the research published is of high quality and has been evaluated by experts in the field. This helps to ensure that the investigation is reliable and can be trusted by others to inform their research or practice.

Moreover, journals are a great way to disseminate research findings to a broad audience. They provide a platform for researchers to share their results with the wider management community, which can help to spark new research ideas and inspire further exploration of the topic.

Keypoints in Management Journals

  1. To provide a platform for the dissemination of current research and knowledge in the field of management and related disciplines.
  2. To encourage the exchange of ideas and perspectives among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers.
  3. To foster the development of new theories, models, and methodologies in management research.
  4. To promote the application of management research to real-world problems and challenges.
  5. To support the professional development of management scholars and practitioners by providing access to cutting-edge research and trends.
  6. To bridge the gap between academic research and industry practice by promoting knowledge transfer and best practices.
  7. To promote interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives in management research and practice.
  8. To promote ethical and responsible management practices and to encourage the consideration of social and environmental sustainability in decision-making.

Research Topics in Management

One potential research topic in management is the impact of leadership styles on employee motivation and performance. This topic would involve conducting a study examining the relationship between leadership styles, such as transformational, transactional, and autocratic, and employee motivation and performance. The study could include surveys and interviews with employees to gather their perceptions of their leader’s style, inspiration, and performance levels. Additionally, the examination could consist of observations of leaders in action to collect data on their leadership styles. The research results could provide valuable insights into how leadership styles affect employee motivation and performance and could inform management practices and strategies.

Another potential research topic in management is using artificial intelligence and machine learning in decision-making. This topic would involve conducting a study to examine how organizations use AI and machine learning to make decisions and the impact of these technologies on decision-making processes and outcomes. The study could include case studies of organizations that have implemented AI and machine learning and surveys and interviews with decision-makers to gather data on their perceptions of these technologies. This research could provide valuable insights into the benefits and limitations of using AI and machine learning in decision-making. They could inform management practices and strategies for utilizing these technologies effectively.

A third potential research topic in management is the impact of diversity and inclusion on organizational performance. This topic would involve conducting a study to examine the relationship between diversity and inclusion in the workplace and organizational performance. The study could include surveys and interviews with employees to gather data on their perceptions of diversity and inclusion in their organization and observations of corporate practices and policies related to diversity and inclusion. The results of this research could provide valuable insights into how organizations can create inclusive cultures and how diversity and inclusion can contribute to organizational performance.

Some other research topics

  • Employee motivation and engagement in the workplace
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on management decision-making
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership
  • The effects of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • The result of digitalization on organizational structure and communication
  • The use of data analytics in strategic decision-making
  • The impact of remote work on employee productivity and well-being
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in building a solid brand reputation
  • The impact of globalization on cross-cultural management
  • The results of culture on management practices in different countries
  • The impact of the gig economy on the traditional workforce
  • The role of emotional labor in customer service management
  • The effects of stress and burnout on employee performance and well-being
  • The impact of technology on the destiny of work and management
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective negotiation
  • The effects of mindfulness and meditation on management decision-making
  • The impact of the sharing economy on traditional business models
  • The part of emotional intelligence in conflict resolution in the workplace
  • The outcomes of the gig economizing on the future of work and management
  • The impact of automation on the workforce and management strategies.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the management journals list provides a wide range of resources for professionals and academics in the management field. The journals on this list are highly respected and offer valuable insights and research on various management topics. They cover many areas, including strategic management, organizational behavior, human resource management, and operations management. The articles published in these journals are written by experts in the field and are often used as a reference for further research.

The management journals list is also an excellent resource for studying management. They provide a wealth of information and can be used as a guide for research projects and assignments. These journals are also an excellent way for students to stay current with the latest trends and developments in management.

Overall, the management journals list is an essential resource for anyone interested in management. It provides valuable insights and research on various management topics and is a great way to stay current with the latest trends and developments in the field. Whether you are a professional, academic, or student, these journals offer a wealth of information that can use to enhance your understanding and knowledge of management.

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