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The Difference Between Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri

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Are you a student or a researcher who needs access to scholarly content? Then you might have come across the terms “Shodhganga” and “Shodhgangotri.” These two platforms are digital repositories of Indian research output, but what exactly sets them apart? This article will explore the difference between Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri, their features, and how they can benefit researchers.


In the digital age, the ease of access to information has become a vital aspect of research. The emergence of digital libraries has transformed the research landscape by providing researchers with easy access to scholarly content. Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri are platforms that host theses and dissertations from Indian universities. These platforms have revolutionized the way researchers access scholarly information. This article will discuss the difference between Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri, their features, and their benefits to researchers.

What is Shodhganga?

Shodhganga is a digital repository of Indian research output managed by the University Grants Commission (UGC). It is a platform that hosts electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) from Indian universities. The platform was launched in 2009, and since then, it has become a one-stop-shop for researchers looking for Indian research output.

Features of Shodhganga

Shodhganga offers the following features to its users:

  • Easy Access to ETDs: Shodhganga provides researchers with easy access to electronic theses and dissertations from Indian universities. This makes it easier for researchers to access relevant research content.
  • Free Access: Shodhganga is a free platform, meaning anyone can access it and its content without charges.
  • User-Friendly: Shodhganga is a user-friendly platform that provides researchers with a simple and easy-to-use interface.

What is Shodhgangotri?

Shodhgangotri is another digital repository of Indian research output managed by the National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). The platform hosts a research synopsis submitted by research scholars pursuing Ph.D. degrees in Indian universities. It was launched in 2018 and aims to promote interdisciplinary research and provide a comprehensive database of ongoing research work.

Features of Shodhgangotri

Shodhgangotri offers the following features to its users:

  • Easy Access to Research Synopsis: Shodhgangotri provides researchers with easy access to research synopsis submitted by research scholars pursuing Ph.D. degrees in Indian universities. This makes it easier for researchers to keep up-to-date with the latest research in their fields of interest.
  • Free Access: Shodhgangotri is a free platform, meaning anyone can access it and its content without charges.
  • Comprehensive Database: Shodhgangotri aims to provide a comprehensive database of ongoing research work in India. This makes it easier for researchers to find potential collaborators and research topics.

Difference Between Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri

While both Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri are digital repositories of Indian research output, the two platforms have some key differences.


Shodhganga hosts electronic theses and dissertations from Indian universities, while Shodhgangotri hosts a synopsis submitted by research scholars pursuing Ph.D. degrees in Indian universities.


Shodhganga covers a broader scope of research output, including Master’s and Ph.D. theses, while Shodhgangotri is more focused on research work done by Ph.D. scholars.

Stage of Research

Shodhganga hosts completed research work, while Shodhgangotri hosts ongoing research work in the form of a research synopsis submitted by Ph.D. scholars.


The University Grants Commission manages Shodhganga, while the National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources manages Shodhgangotri.

How to Access Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri

Access to Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri is free and open to all. Users can access the portals by visiting the respective websites [ and] and searching for the desired thesis or dissertation. Users can search by title, author, subject, university, and more.

How Can Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri Benefit Researchers?

Both Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri offer numerous benefits to researchers. Here are some of how researchers can benefit from these platforms:

Access to Scholarly Content

Both platforms provide researchers with easy access to scholarly content. Researchers can access theses, dissertations, and research synopsis from Indian universities for free.

Discover New Research Topics

Researchers can use these platforms to discover new research topics and potential collaborators. They can find relevant research in their fields of interest and connect with other researchers working on similar topics.

Save Time and Effort

Researchers can save time and effort by accessing relevant research content in one place using these platforms. They no longer have to visit different libraries or search multiple databases for relevant research.

Increase Visibility of Research

Publishing research on Shodhganga or Shodhgangotri can increase the visibility of research work. Researchers can reach a wider audience and potentially attract more citations.


Is there a cost associated with using Shodhganga or Shodhgangotri?

No, both platforms are free for anyone who wants to access the content.

Can anyone publish their research on Shodhganga or Shodhgangotri?

No, only research output from Indian universities is accepted on both platforms.

Can I access Shodhganga or Shodhgangotri if I’m not from India?

Anyone can access the content on both platforms regardless of location.

Can I download the content from Shodhganga or Shodhgangotri?

Yes, both platforms allow users to download the content for personal use.

Can I cite research from Shodhganga or Shodhgangotri in my work?

Yes, both platforms provide researchers with the necessary information to cite the content in their work.

Can I upload my research synopsis on Shodhganga or my Ph.D. thesis on Shodhgangotri?

No, only universities can upload content on these platforms for their students.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri are two digital repositories of Indian research output that offer numerous benefits to researchers. While both platforms are free to use and provide easy access to scholarly content, they differ in terms of the content they host, their scope, stage of research, and management. Whether you’re a student or a researcher, these platforms can help you find relevant research content, discover new research topics, save time and effort, and increase the visibility of your research work.

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