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Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics: Navigating Research Excellence

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Exploring Research Excellence in Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics

Discover the world of Scopus-indexed journals in economics, their significance in academic research, and how they contribute to the field’s growth. Explore a curated list of these journals, learn about their impact, and find answers to frequently asked questions.

In academic research, Scopus-indexed journals in economics hold a paramount position. These journals signify excellence in the field and play a pivotal role in advancing economic knowledge and discourse. This article delves into the world of Scopus-indexed journals in economics, elucidating their importance, the benefits they offer, and how researchers can effectively navigate this scholarly landscape.

Top 20 Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics

Journal NameAbout the JournalImpact FactorIndexingRankingOther Information
Journal of Economic LiteratureA cornerstone in the field, the Journal of Economic Literature presents comprehensive surveys of literature in various sub-disciplines of economics. It offers critical analyses of recent research, making it an invaluable resource for scholars and researchers.8.370Scopus, Web of ScienceA* (ABDC Journal Quality List)Specializes in literature surveys
Review of Economics and StatisticsThe Review of Economics and Statistics is renowned for its empirical and theoretical studies. It covers a wide range of topics, from econometrics to economic development, making it a go-to journal for both quantitative and qualitative researchers.3.840Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Focuses on empirical and theoretical studies
Journal of Political EconomyFocusing on political and economic phenomena, the Journal of Political Economy presents research that explores the intersection of these two domains. It’s particularly known for its rigorous analysis and innovative insights.6.120Scopus, Web of ScienceA* (ABDC Journal Quality List)Intersects political and economic phenomena
American Economic ReviewThe American Economic Review is a prestigious journal that publishes groundbreaking research in all areas of economics. With its diverse content, it’s an essential read for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of economic issues.7.940Scopus, Web of ScienceA* (ABDC Journal Quality List)Publishes research in all areas of economics
Economic JournalThe Economic Journal publishes research articles, reviews, and analyses across all branches of economics. Its interdisciplinary approach and international scope make it a hub for diverse economic perspectives.3.640Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Covers all branches of economics
Journal of FinanceFor those interested in finance and its intersection with economics, the Journal of Finance is a must-read. It offers cutting-edge research on topics such as corporate finance, investment, and financial institutions.7.030Scopus, Web of ScienceA* (ABDC Journal Quality List)Focuses on finance and financial markets
Journal of Monetary EconomicsDedicated to the study of money, banking, and financial markets, the Journal of Monetary Economics provides in-depth insights into monetary policies, exchange rates, and more.3.280Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Studies money, banking, and finance
Journal of Development EconomicsAs the name suggests, this journal centers on development economics. It publishes research on poverty, inequality, economic growth, and other critical issues that impact developing countries.2.890Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Centers on economic development
Journal of Labor EconomicsWith a focus on labor markets and related issues, the Journal of Labor Economics publishes research that informs policies and practices related to labor economics, workforce dynamics, and human capital.3.440Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Explores labor markets and dynamics
Journal of International EconomicsExploring the global dimension of economics, the Journal of International Economics features research on international trade, finance, and related topics. It’s a valuable resource for understanding the intricacies of international markets.2.720Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Covers international trade and finance
Environmental and Resource EconomicsIn the era of environmental concerns, this journal stands out. Environmental and Resource Economics publishes research on natural resource management, environmental policies, and sustainable development.3.390Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Focuses on natural resource management
Health EconomicsDedicated to the economics of health and healthcare, this journal provides insights into healthcare systems, health policies, and the economic implications of healthcare decisions.2.960Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Analyzes economics of healthcare
Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationUnderstanding economic behavior is crucial, and this journal delves into it. The Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization features research on behavioral economics, experimental economics, and organizational behavior.2.680Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Explores behavioral economics
Journal of Public EconomicsThis journal explores the economics of the public sector. It covers topics like taxation, public policies, government spending, and their impact on the economy and society.2.930Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Studies economics of the public sector
Journal of Financial EconomicsAnother essential for finance enthusiasts, the Journal of Financial Economics focuses on research related to financial markets, corporate finance, and the interaction of finance with other disciplines.5.470Scopus, Web of ScienceA* (ABDC Journal Quality List)Focuses on financial markets and corporate finance
Applied EconomicsApplied Economics bridges theory and practice by publishing research that can be directly applied to real-world economic scenarios. It covers areas like business economics, industrial organization, and economic policy.1.910Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Applies economics to real-world scenarios
Economic PolicyEconomic Policy provides a platform for research on economic policies, both in terms of their formulation and impact. It addresses issues like fiscal policy, monetary policy, and regulatory frameworks.3.220Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Analyzes economic policies and impact
International Journal of Industrial OrganizationWith a focus on industrial organization and its impact on market structures and competition, this journal offers insights into how industries function and evolve.2.230Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Studies industrial organization
Journal of Economic SurveysThe Journal of Economic Surveys publishes survey articles that summarize and synthesize existing research. It’s a valuable resource for those seeking an overview of a specific economic topic.3.080Scopus, Web of ScienceA (ABDC Journal Quality List)Publishes survey articles summarizing research
Journal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisThis journal specializes in financial research that employs quantitative methods. It’s known for its empirical analyses and quantitative insights into financial markets.3.720Scopus, Web of ScienceA* (ABDC Journal Quality List)Empirical financial research with quantitative methods

Exploring Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics

What Are Scopus Indexed Journals?

Scopus-indexed journals are academic publications that have undergone rigorous evaluation and scrutiny by experts in their respective fields. In economics, these journals host a wealth of research articles, studies, and analyses that contribute to the understanding and evolution of economic theories, policies, and practices.

Significance of Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics

Scopus-indexed journals hold immense significance in the academic world. They serve as repositories of the latest research findings, allowing economists, researchers, policymakers, and students to stay updated with cutting-edge developments. These journals are often considered a hallmark of quality research due to their stringent peer-review processes.

Impact on Research and Academia

The impact of Scopus-indexed journals on research and academia is profound. They foster the dissemination of innovative ideas, theories, and methodologies, thereby driving the progression of economic scholarship. Researchers who publish their work in these journals gain recognition, enhance their academic profiles, and contribute to the collective knowledge base.

Navigating Scopus Indexed Journals: Tips for Researchers

  1. Focus on Relevance: Choose journals that align with your research interests and objectives. Publishing in a journal relevant to your work increases the chances of acceptance and recognition.
  2. Read Guidelines Carefully: Each journal has specific submission guidelines. Adhere to these guidelines meticulously to ensure your submission is considered.
  3. Craft a Compelling Abstract: The abstract is often the first thing reviewers read. Make it concise, informative, and compelling.
  4. Engage with the Literature: Situate your research within the existing economic literature. Highlight how your work contributes to the ongoing discourse.
  5. Thorough Review: Conduct a thorough review of your manuscript before submission. Check for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.
  6. Address Reviewer Comments: If your paper receives revision suggestions, address them thoughtfully and thoroughly. This improves the likelihood of acceptance.

A Curated List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics

Here is a curated list of noteworthy Scopus-indexed journals in economics that researchers may find valuable:

  1. Journal of Economic Perspectives: This journal offers insightful perspectives on various economic issues, promoting cross-disciplinary understanding.
  2. Review of Economics and Statistics: Known for its quantitative analysis of economic phenomena, this journal publishes rigorous empirical studies.
  3. Economic Policy: Focusing on applied economics, this journal bridges the gap between research and policy implications.
  4. Journal of Economic Literature: This journal provides comprehensive surveys and critiques of various economic topics, aiding researchers in understanding complex subjects.
  5. Journal of Economic Growth: Specializing in economic development and growth, this journal hosts research on factors influencing economies.
  6. Ecological Economics: Exploring the interplay between economy and ecology, this journal addresses sustainability and resource management.

FAQs about Scopus Indexed Journals in Economics

Are Scopus-indexed journals prestigious?

Scopus-indexed journals are considered prestigious due to their rigorous review processes and high-quality published content.

How can I find Scopus-indexed journals for my research? 

You can use the Scopus database or the Scopus Source List to identify journals relevant to your research area.

What is the significance of the Scopus indexing?

Scopus indexing indicates that a journal meets specific quality standards, making it a reliable source of scholarly information.

Can publication in Scopus-indexed journals boost my academic career?

Absolutely, publishing in these journals enhances your academic reputation, visibility, and opportunities for collaboration.

What sets Scopus-indexed journals apart from other journals?

Scopus-indexed journals are distinguished by their comprehensive coverage, stringent review processes, and international recognition.

How often are Scopus-indexed journals updated?

Scopus regularly updates its database to include the latest research from indexed journals, ensuring up-to-date scholarly content.


In the ever-evolving landscape of economic research, Scopus-indexed journals stand as beacons of credibility and excellence. They contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and provide researchers with a platform to showcase their expertise. By adhering to best practices and leveraging these journals, researchers can amplify the impact of their work and contribute significantly to the field of economics.

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